Franz Ferdinand was a forward thinking and clever man, who understood the need to make reforms in Austria-Hungary (for example, he had planned to postpone his coronation until universal suffrage was granted) and who would have created greater autonomy for the different ethnic groups within the Empire. He was also a devoted father and husband whose children remembered his kindness and whose wife meant everything to him. He was devout in his religious practices and faith, and greatly respected and loved by the people of Sophie's native Bohemia. I think it is rather beautiful, too, that he grew roses and often travelled incognito to find new strains and varieties, and opened his gardens to the public so that they could share the beauty he had created and cultivated.

I wonder if the whole truth about the murder of Franz Ferdinand will ever come out....
In any case, I think he deserves to be remembered for his life, his dreams and his devotion, as well as for his death.
(Franz Ferdinand is a central character in the novel: Shattered Crowns: The Scapegoats )