One of the most bizarre episodes during Tsar Nicholas’ captivity in Tobolsk
occurred when a local priest included prayers for the Imperial Family in the
religious service. The priest was interrogated afterwards and similar services
were prohibited since these prayers had been banned. Shortly before this
episode, someone in Austria had been persecuted as a traitor for praying for the
Tsar during the war – fortunately Emperor Karl rectified such nonsense but the more you
consider this, the more ridiculous it is! In Russia, an atheistic regime banning
prayers? Why? If they didn’t believe the prayers had any meaning, why ban
them? In Austria, if they did believe the prayers were effective, then they were
surely aware of the message:
love your enemies, bless those who curse you
and pray for those who do you harm. The very notion of any regime or
individual assuming the right to tell anyone else who or what to pray for is so
beyond arrogance that it is unbelievable!
On a smaller scale, I have often wondered about the strange behaviour of
the atheist society who, one Christmas, paid for a poster on a bus, which said,
“There is no God.” Still more baffling are some pseudo-scientific authors who
write volumes attempting to prove the non-existence of God. Surely, if
you don’t believe something exists, you don’t waste your time trying to tell
everyone else that it doesn’t exist. Personally, I don’t believe that the moon
is made of green cheese but I wouldn’t spend months of my life trying to prove
that. If someone else believes it is made of green cheese, it wouldn’t bother
me. Why then do people who profess not to believe in something go to
such lengths to argue about it.

Even more baffling to me, though, is how anyone who spends even a few
minutes amid the beauty of nature cannot believe there is a wonderful and
amazing Deity behind it all. As a child I often thought it quite miraculous that
whenever I was stung by nettles, a healing dock life was
always growing
nearby. Recently I have taken to growing herbs and am on the brink of studying
their amazing healing properties. It is truly remarkable that for every ailment
imaginable, there is an antidote in Nature. What’s more the intricate design of
the leaves and flowers, the incredible scents, the taste and the feel of the
leaves are more beautiful than anything ever created in the perfumeries and
workshops of the world, and these things grow so naturally with so little effort
on Mankind’s part. Sometimes, looking at them in awe, or wandering in the
gorgeous glasshouse at Temple Newsam (as in the pictures), I can only think,
not even Solomon in all his splendour was clothed like one of these.”
So, to return to the prayers for the Tsar and his family...Why ban
prayers if you don’t believe they are effective? And if you do believe
they’re effective, it seems a pretty dangerous thing to attempt to tamper with other
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