Hurrah for King Richard III and perhaps an end to centuries of Tudor
The wonderful work by the Richard III Society and the
scientists/archaeologists of Leicester University as shown on last night’s
Channel 4 programme “The King in the Car Park” has created such a huge
turnaround in the view of this much maligned king who, I hastened to add as a
northerner from Yorkshire, was always revered by northerners!
What is most interesting is the way that the reconstructed face of Richard
differs so greatly from the image portrayed in Tudor propaganda! Even before the
Tudors doctored his portrait to make him appear more sinister, the portrait of
Richard was not very flattering – his mean lips and rather nasty eyes gave the
impression of a not very pleasant man at all!

In recent times I have seen the same misuse of images to create a false
impression of a king. The often-shown 20 seconds or so of Nicholas II dancing
with his daughters on the deck of his yacht has been used to imply that he
danced carelessly while his people starved. Obviously no one bothered to film
the hour upon hour he spent working at his desk or mediating between opposing
ministers, so one bit of footage creates the wrong impression of a hard-working
and devoted Tsar.
Perhaps in the light of events surrounding Richard III, more people will be
more inclined to take a look at history from a different perspective than that
which is promoted by those who are funded by an establishment which often wishes
to hoodwink people into believing lies. Anyone with even the slightest interest
in the truth about Richard III, might also take a look at the truth surrounding
the myth (lies) about the causes of World War 1 and the utterly evil settlement
(arranged by bankers and lawyers): The Treaty of Versailles...
Good King Richard!
Thank you...
Yes indeed!
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