Richard loved this place and was (and has remained) loved here. As the Richard III Society demonstrates, the City of York mourned his passing and recognised
the loss of ‘Good King Richard’, ' … king Richard late mercifully reigning upon
us was thrugh grete treason of the duc of Northfolk [sic] and many other that
turned ayenst hyme, with many other lordes and nobilles of this north parties
was piteously slane murdred to the grete hevynesse of this citie …'
for they had found him a great supporter of the rights of
the people of Yorkshire.

'The saide day and tyme by the forsaide Maire and Counsaile
it was holie agreed and assented that the Duk of Gloucestre shall for his grete
labour of now late made unto the kinges good grace for the conservacion of the
liberties of this Citie, that he shalbe presented at his commyng to the citie
with vj swannes and vj pikes'.
A petition, created by Mark Cousins, is currently underway,
which absolutely ‘nails’ the argument for his return to Yorkshire:
“He was the last King of the House of York and it is
recorded that he was popular in and fond of the North and York in particular
where he was regarded with much love and affection. It will also place him
geographically closer to the remains of his son, Edward the Prince of Wales,
whose remains lie in Sherriff Hutton church.”
I hope that a good many people will sign this petition and
Richard will be laid to rest in the city that loved him.
Thanks for the e-petition link, Christina. I am about to publish a post on Richard and I will include it in there.
Alex David
Thanks, Alex! The more who sign it, the better!
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