“It is important that your dog gets used to people and other dogs while he
is still a puppy. Socialise him as much as possible by introducing him to new
people and situations.”
Ah ha, here is the easy part! Bertie loves people. If a burglar
broke through the door, Bertie would welcome him with a wagging tail and lots of
kisses. So! Off we go to meet new people...

Hmm...Bertie loves people a little
too much. He thinks everyone is
as excited to see him as he is to see them. Someone shows the least bit of
interest in him and he leaps for joy, bounding, clambering up their legs,
licking any available piece of flesh...which is all very well if the person
happens to like dogs and it hasn’t been raining. Unfortunately, even the
most devoted animal-lovers are not quite so overjoyed to have little black
footprints all over their clothes.
Perhaps we will have more luck with dogs because they are not so fussy
about footprints and Bertie is as happy to meet them as he is to meet
people...In fact, more so! The slightest whiff of a dog in the vicinity and his
tail wags so wildly it is almost like rudder, directing him towards them, and he
is literally breathless with excitement. Of course, I am wary...supposing the
other dog happens to be a big vicious brute or doesn’t take kindly to the
attentions of a puppy? I call to the owners who tell me theirs is an ‘old boy’
or an ‘old girl’ who has seen it all and is as gentle as can be. Bertie hurries
over to get acquainted and, not yet having developed the concept of ‘invading
people’s space’ he drives in, expecting the old boy/girl to want to wrestle with
him and appears a little disappointed when the senior dog just stares at him
somewhat disdainfully as though to say, “Oh, the puppies today...we were never
like that when we were young...”
Happily, we next meet a puppy who is eager to play...but the puppy happens
to be half Bertie’s size and when Bertie begins to wrestle, the tiny little
Chihuahuas and Yorkies are not at all impressed and revert to yapping wildly and
baring their teeth. On we go...
Ah...a spaniel puppy! The right size, tail wagging, eager to play...and
they both happily engage in a jolly wrestling match. Unfortunately, both are
still on leads and although it is May, the Maypole dance is not well
choreographed because rather than winding both leads into a neat pattern, I and
the other dog-person end up having to untie our knotted leads while the puppies
roll around in the grass. This is an impossible task unless one of us lets go of
the lead at which point either puppy might tear off into the sunset...We
eventually untangle ourselves and walk off in opposite directions while both
puppies are still panting and tugging us back, trying to renew their game.
One particular spaniel with whom Bertie played had a particularly loud
bark. Bertie, surprisingly, hardly ever barks and the sound of loud noise
frightened him a little. He came home, climbed into bed, buried his head under
the pillow and practised barking...Maybe next time he will be able to
with more than a rather timid little squeak...