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Following the untimely death of her husband, German Emperor Frederick III, Queen
Victoria’s eldest daughter Vicky purchased a home for herself, Villa Schonberg
in Kronberg in the Taunus Mountains, and was later presented with the old
Schloss Kronberg by her son, Kaiser Wilhelm II. An aesthete and avid collector
of art and furniture, Vicky delighted in her new home, filling it with beautiful
artistic treasures. Today, the property remains in the hands of her descendants
but is now a luxury hotel, which clearly, from these images and descriptions
maintains the sort of atmosphere which Vicky created and would still deeply
appreciate. What a wonderful experience it must be to stay there, taking tea in
the library, which is still filled with her books...
The more I learn about Prince Albert, the more I admire this amazing man,
and I was delighted to have been able to write about him for the wonderful Royal
Central site:
Also, today, Amazon Kindle in the UK and Europe is carrying out a promotion
of Alice, The Enigma, so if you are interested it is a very good time to
purchase a copy!
It would be unthinkable if anyone killed in an accident had to be buried
where he/she died. Great lengths are gone to to have the bodies of soldiers
killed overseas repatriated and yet Richard III, England’s last Plantagenet king
is to be buried in Leicester?
Today the High Court will decide on that ruling and I trust the right thing
will be done and the case for Richard to be buried in York will be
1. Richard was Lord of the North.
2 He lived, loved and was loved in Yorkshire.
3 York remained loyal to him to the end.
4 He paid for chapels/chantries in York..a sure sign he wished to be
buried there.
5 His beloved son is buried in Yorkshire
6 His present day descendants wish him to be buried here.
6 The decision to inter him in Leicester was reached by secret agreement
but Richard was King of England and the people of England have a right to make
the decision. Secret agreements, after all, led to the First World War and host
of other evils!
7 Richard belongs to Yorkshire and had no ties with Leicester where his
body was mutilated after death.
A couple of weeks ago The Guardian reviewed a new book, which looks very interesting, about Queen Victoria's life in Aix-Le-Bains, speaks of the donkey, Jacquot, which the Queen adopted:
Jacquot was only one of several donkeys who became members of the extended family of Queen Victoria and Prince Albert, as a very interesting article from 'The Idler' shows.
It is quite strange that people even now speak of the humble donkey as though this beautiful creature is somehow a sort of second-rate horse or something, when you consider the strength and serenity as well as the nobility of donkeys. It is virtually impossible to look at a donkey or spend any time with one without feeling instantly calmed and receiving an awareness that there is something far more supernaturally powerful here than mere flesh and bone. I cannot for the life of me think why G.K. Chesterton should describe the donkey as 'the devil's walking parody' or speak of the 'monstrous head or sickening cry' of these incredibly beautiful animals:
and I would like to draw more attention to the late Elizabeth Svendsen, whose wonderful work continues in The Donkey Sanctuary wherein rescued donkeys work with children with disabilities or difficulties and produce amazing results.
"The Donkey Sanctuary was founded in 1969 by Dr Elisabeth Svendsen MBE.
It is only through her amazing devotion to donkeys and hard work that
the Sanctuary grew to the international charity it is today. Over 50
million donkeys and mules exist in the world. Many need care and
protection from a life of suffering and neglect, whilst others have a
vital role to play in human survival and happiness; they are at the
heart of everything we do here at The Donkey Sanctuary."
I am sure that, had Queen Victoria been alive to see the Donkey Sanctuary's foundation, she would have been eager to have given it Royal Patronage!