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Please pay a visit, too, to HILLIARD & CROFT
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All written content is protected by copyright but if you wish to contact me regarding the content of this blog, please feel free to do so via the contact form.
Please pay a visit, too, to HILLIARD & CROFT
Christina Croft at Amazon
Monday, 24 December 2012
Monday, 17 December 2012
The Power & Beauty of Perfume

Today, as so many other aspects of beauty are being eroded, regulation by
the EU has led to the ‘dumbing down’ of many long-standing scents with the
banning of natural ingredients which have been used for centuries to no great
detriment. How ironic that natural products should be banned when so many
additives (produced by multimillion pound companies) are permitted in food, fields are being sprayed with all kinds of toxins,
and animals are still being fattened with dangerous chemicals!
In this podcast – which, by a strange synchronicity was
recorded immediately prior to the above article - author Cheryl Hilliard draws
on her experience as a model, make-up artist and image consultant to speak of
the beauty and power of perfumes and the effects of regulation on the perfume
Sunday, 16 December 2012
Keep Britain Free From GM Crops!
Food minister, Owen Patterson, has described
opposition to allowing GM crops to be produced in Britain as 'complete
nonsense'. For the past few years Britain has remained free from these
'Frankenstein foods', the effects of which on humans and on the wider
environment are not fully understood. Creating these products involves
interfering with plant DNA, and there are serious dangers of long-term effects
on animals or humans who consume them. The plan to introduce these crops has
nothing to do with feeding more people or preventing famine, but is another
means by which multinational companies and pharmaceutical giants such as
Monsanto will gain a monopoly of crops grown throughout the world. Organic
famers in the US have already been forced out of business by these giants and
now they wish to expand into European markets.
Please would you consider signing the petition which I have launched at Avaaz?
Sunday, 9 December 2012
The House of Desolation!
As someone who believes that what we focus our attention upon, we bring
into our experience, I’ve been unwilling to write or even think of this
extremely vile subject but, as a combination of discoveries have come together,
I feel it is important to do so.

While researching the ‘Shattered Crowns’ trilogy, I was frequently shocked
at various discoveries of the way in which not only the royalties were
manipulated, but also – even more horrendously – the way in which entire nations
were manipulated into believing they were fighting for a just cause when in fact
the entire operation had been managed and planned from the start. This wasn’t
something that just happened, or a series of unfortunate events. This was
calculated decades in advance. I am not so familiar with the earlier history,
but I recommend listening to Elena Marie Vidal, author of – amongst other
books – Tea at Trianon - as she speaks of the Illuminati at work
in the French Revolution.
Mass manipulation of adults is one thing, but now – which sickens me to the
core – it is clear that these sinister groups are not simply greedy for money
and power on a physical level, they are actually and quite categorically
involved in very dark occult practices, and the outcome of this is not only the
wars etc. but the horrendousness of some of the things which have been coming to
light in the media regarding Jimmy Savile and the extent of the abuse of
children not only in Britain but across the globe. The media reports the
occasional arrest of various celebrities but in fact, when you scratch beneath
the surface, this goes way, way, way beyond a few disgusting paedophiles in show
business. There are whole paedophile rings of people in some of the most
powerful positions – the very people who also manipulate the economy, ensure the
dumbing down of art, of television, of libraries and education, persuade us to
engage in wars so that they have access to opium (for big pharmaceutical
companies) or oil or other resources, invent epidemics like swine flu, attempt
to pass laws to compel children to be vaccinated against diseases which sometimes
they have actually created in laboratories, and who drive out independent farmers and
introduce GMO crops.
The reason it is so difficult to believe this, is because it is beyond the comprehension of the vast majority of people, most of whom are decent and honest, that anyone could do such a thing. Evidence comes to light all the time, though, of the sinister cover-up of the Dunblane killings (Lord Burton himself revealed that the inquiry was a cover-up and he was ‘bullied’ by other peers to keep quiet about it); and the case of Hollie Grieg to name but two. And what can be made of this – which was reported not only in the Independent in 2009, but elsewhere: ‘But as of April, because of a change in legislation being introduced by Jack Straw, the Justice Secretary, the media will no longer be able to identify those involved in cases such as the Websters. It will also be illegal for any children currently in care to speak out, even if they feel they are being maltreated. ?????
In the days when I studied saints extensively, one thing which I frequently
read was (in Catholic parlance) that sins rarely come singly; a person who
repeatedly gives way to one fault, is often prone to adopting others. Now, I
don’t doubt the truth of that statement but I think it is something far larger
than an average person’s peccadillos! If a person, or group of people, devote
themselves to evil in one form, in spreads into every area of their lives. If
the idea of these people engaging in occult practices seems too bizarre to be
believed, remember that Hitler and cronies engaged in all kinds of black occult
practices, and that there is well-documented evidence of more than one recent US
president being part of a very secretive and dark group with strange rituals and
Today, probably at this very moment, children are still being stolen and
tortured and abused by people in power and it surely turns the stomach of every
decent person to be aware of this. It is very easy to wash all this way by
focussing on the vile Jimmy Savile, or even the other
celebrities who are being rounded up and paraded for us to see, but this goes
deeper. Several people have questioned how Savile had access to so many hospitals, schools and children's homes and why a has-been DJ dined with ministers and consorted with royalty...
In writing ‘Shattered Crowns’ (and I am not writing this post to draw attention to those books, this is merely an observation), it became very obvious that the destruction of the 3 monarchies of Germany, Austria-Hungary and Russia, was part of a plan to impose a different order on the world; an order which increasingly crushed spirituality and expressions of spirituality and replaced it with materialistic ideologies. This was evil and the evil spread into so many areas of government across the world. Unsurprisingly, ignorant people still mock the Tsar and Tsarina’s religious sensibilities and fail to understand why the Tsar and Emperor Karl of Austria felt compelled to adhere to the oaths they had taken, and which they saw as a sacred duty. The worst organised crimes spring from these occult groups who remain in positions of power. I do not call them ‘Illuminati’ since that means ‘enlightened ones’ and there is nothing enlightened about such darkness.
As I see it, though, there is also good news. In order to thrive, these
‘entities’ rely on darkness and secrecy and as more and more information is made
available, the less chance they have of surviving. Many people have been
murdered who have attempted to expose their wickedness, which shows how deeply
they value their secrecy. If, however, we are aware of these things – and I
think we need to be aware - we need only focus our attention on all that is
good and right and pure and true and refuse to be hoodwinked into accepting
their wars, their dumbing down (we can educate ourselves) or their lies and by
concentrating on the good we can do, and this evil will shrink into nothingness.
I think of Marlowe’s Dr. Faustus...evil always destroys itself in the end and,
as Christmas, the Season of Light, approaches, I pray that the Light within us
all will shine more brightly than ever because, as some wise person once said,
“All the darkness in the world cannot extinguish the light of one single
candle.” As for the perpetrators of these horrific and unspeakable crimes,
whether they be in churches or in governments or any other institution, even if,
on one level, they believe they can go on undetected, on a deeper,
energetic/spiritual level, they must already be living in hell and quaking to
the core: “You who are like whited sepulchres, all clean and white on the
outside but inside full of dead men’s bones and corruption! Yours is the house
of desolation, the home of the lizard and the spider! Serpents, brood of vipers,
how can you escape the punishment that is coming to you!”
These days really feel like the days when that which is hidden is being
exposed and maybe as that happens, if we wake up, we really can participate in a
far better and lovelier world in which spirituality, individuality, truth,
respect and true beauty are valued far more highly than power, greed and
Sunday, 2 December 2012
Memories of an Evacuee
During the Second World War, my mother was briefly evacuated to Bowers Row, a mining village not far from Leeds. In order to capture a little bit of history, I interviewed her about her experiences as an evacuee and the interview can be heard here:
Thursday, 29 November 2012
Capturing History
Shattered Crowns: The Betrayal is now available on Kindle and will be available in paperback in the New Year.
On a separate note....Andre Hilliard, Virginia-based artist and photographer, describes the background to his photography and the influences on his work. Andre (with an accent on the 'e', which fails to come out on a blog post!) is currently working on a fascinating project, photographing veterans of the Second World War and, as he points out, so many of these people are passing on, he is capturing history for future generations.
Wednesday, 28 November 2012
Shattered Crowns: The Betrayal
I am happy to announce that the final book of my Shattered Crowns trilogy will be available in Kindle format tomorrow.
Here is a brief excerpt from the book. In this scene Tsar Nicholas meets his brother, Misha, for the last time before his enforced departure to Siberia:
...Nicholas pushed
open the door of his study and, pulling a handkerchief from his pocket, dabbed
it to the corner of his eyes. The room, in which he had spent so many hours for
the past twenty-three years, felt bare and devoid of life. Stripped now of his
dearest possessions, it took on a sepulchral atmosphere and, as he ran his
fingers over the desk and ledges, he felt like a ghost from another era,
unwelcome and out of place in this present age. There was nothing left to do
here but to strengthen himself to ensure that neither his captors nor his children
should see him cry. It had been easier earlier in the day when he had been able
to continue the routine of strenuous manual labour, chopping logs and tending
the gardens, which he had adopted since the beginning of his captivity. Now, in
the stillness of the study the full tragedy of his situation overwhelmed him.
Determined not to let his tears fall for fear that, if they did, he should not
be able to stop them, he set about searching for any meaningless employment to
occupy his hands and his mind.
A stack of
books, which had been left untouched for years, caught his eye and he took them
one after another from the shelf with a view to returning them in alphabetical
order. Dust floated from their pages – something that would have been
unthinkable prior to his abdication when servants were forever busying
themselves to keep everything pristine – and, as he blew a cobweb from a cover,
a photograph fell from the pages and floated down to the carpet. Stooping to
retrieve it, he smiled sadly at the faces looking back at him: a happy scene of
a family holiday in Denmark several decades earlier. His father, proud and
strong, stood beside his mother whose face shone with the radiance of joy and
pride in her loving family. There were Nicholas’ sisters, Xenia and Olga –
then, still a baby, and now, he reassured himself, safe in the Crimea. Georgy,
his late brother, looked so young and healthy in his white sailor suit, smiling
and happily unaware that his life would be so brief. Beside him stood Nicholas,
though he barely recognised his own youthful features which the pressures of
his reign had now aged prematurely; and there, sitting cross-legged on the
ground by his father’s feet, sat Misha.
A hundred
regrets stormed through Nicholas’ mind as he murmured, “Dear Misha…”…such an innocent, open face displaying the childlike
spirit that even the horrors of war could not diminish. Now that everything had
fallen to pieces, it seemed to Nicholas that the years of his brother’s exile
had been so pointless, bringing nothing but unnecessary pain. At the time of
Misha’s banishment, of course, it had been the Tsar’s duty to put family
feeling aside to uphold the traditions which had sustained the dynasty for
almost three centuries. It would have been incorrect to have granted his
brother permission to marry the non-royal divorcee who had stolen his heart. As
Head of the Orthodox Church and head of the family, Nicholas had no alternative
but to send him away. Now, though, as he stared more intently at the
photograph, those years of separation tore at his heart.
He gazed more
intently at the image on the photograph and recalled, with no trace of
bitterness, that their father had always viewed Misha as a more suitable
successor than Nicholas would ever be.
“Papa was
right,” he murmured and, in the lonely silence of the study, was convinced that
his younger brother – so cheerful, so brave and popular with the troops – would
have handed everything so differently.
He might even have saved the dynasty and prevented the chaos which now
engulfed their beloved country.
“It would have
been better,” he whispered to the image, “if I had never been born, and you had
succeeded as Tsar Mikhail II…Oh, Misha, I am so sorry…”
The door creaked
open and suddenly there he was, tall, handsome, and dignified, looking every
inch like a Tsar.
Nicholas mouthed, too overcome by emotion to speak.
Misha stood in
the entrance to the study, gazing directly into Nicholas’ violet-blue eyes; so
soulful they were, and so tender, that Misha felt like a drowning man, being
drawn deeper into a whirlpool and watching his life flash before him in a
myriad of disjointed images. First he was a tiny child, looking up in
admiration at the elder brother whose cheerful kindness endeared him to
everyone. There had never been any arrogance about Nicholas; no pride in his
position as the eldest son and heir to the throne. He had simply been one of
the family; respectful of his parents, attentive to his siblings, and gifted
with that rare combination of inner strength and outer gentleness which enabled
him to set everyone at ease. Throughout his childhood, Misha had always felt
safe in his elder brother’s presence and even later in life, when their father
died and Nicholas ascended the throne, Misha had been so sure of his brother’s
ability and devotion to duty that had never imagined that his reign could end
in such an abrupt tragedy.
Kerensky, who
had pushed past him into the study, was wittering about the limited time
available for the visit. As irritatingly as a wasp, he buzzed around the room,
before taking a book from Nicholas’ desk and settling in a chair. There he sat,
flicking through the pages and pretending to read while obviously remaining
alert to whatever might pass between the brothers. Nicholas paid him no attention.
His eyes remained fixed on his brother and his anguished expression was filled
with such sorrow that Misha felt that his heart would break. He longed to fall
to his knees with a litany of apologies and regrets but his grief was so great
he could not utter a word.
Would all this
have happened, he wondered, if he had been more supportive throughout Nicholas’
reign. Time and again, from his first failed attempt to elope with his sister’s
lady-in-waiting, to the scandal of his affair with Natasha, the wife of one of
his officers, he knew had brought nothing but disappointment. He trembled to
think of how deeply he must have wounded Nicholas when, despite all his
promises that he would do nothing without the Tsar’s permission, he had reneged
on his word and married Natasha in secret, only informing the family of what he
had done when everything was signed and sealed. Even worse, he thought now, was
the explanation he had given for his actions: little Alexei, the Tsarevich, was
suffering from such a severe episode of haemophilia that the doctors doubted he
would live. If the boy died, Misha knew his position would change dramatically
as he would become Nicholas’ heir. Then it would be impossible to ever marry
Natasha. He would be obliged to find a more suitable wife who would one day
become Tsarina.
Looking now into
Nicholas’ eyes, he understood the great disparity between his brother’s
selfless devotion to duty and his own selfish pursuit of satisfaction. Nicholas
had no desire to be Tsar but he had sacrificed his personal wishes to dedicate
himself to the role, and the least he could have expected in return was the
loving and staunch support of his family. Repeatedly, Misha knew, he had failed
to give that support and his spirits sank to the depths as he thought of recent
events and how, once again, he had failed to accept responsibility. He thought
of what anguish Nicholas must have suffered at his abdication, and he
understood now that his last hope of saving the dynasty had been to pass over
his haemophiliac son, and name Misha as his heir. Had he accepted that role,
Misha wondered, would he have been able to prevent this ignominy by ensuring
that Nicholas and his family could enjoy a dignified retirement in Livadia or
some other country estate? But he had
failed. He had refused to accept the crown without the support of the Duma and,
since that support was not forthcoming, he had allowed the dynasty to fall into
Nicholas said softly and it wounded him even more deeply to realise that there
was no malice or recrimination in his tone. If anything, Nicholas appeared even
more apologetic than he was as though he somehow considered himself to blame
for this tragic turn of events.
To be greeted
with such humility and kindness in the face of his failures was more than Misha
could bear. Were it not for Kerensky’s unwelcome presence, he should have
fallen to floor to beg forgiveness but instead he heard himself ask a series of
trite and ridiculous questions.
“How are you,
He heard
Nicholas swallow.
“And how’s
“Bearing up, you
He nodded, “The
“The same.”
“Good. That’s
good.” The tension was unbearable. “Have you heard from Mama?”
“She’s quite
safe in the Crimea with Olga and Xenia.”
And so it went
on – meaningless chatter to prevent an intolerable silence which would compel
them to face the magnitude of what was occurring – and all the while Misha
could only pray that, beneath the inanity of their words, Nicholas understood
how deeply he felt and how much he longed to communicate.All too soon Kerensky stood up and, dropping the book onto the desk, pointedly looked at his watch. Biting his lip to restrain his tears, Misha nodded, and was about to whisper some final words when a shuffling behind him distracted him. He turned to catch a glimpse of Alexei peeping in from behind the door.
“May I see the children before I leave?”
The question was intended for Nicholas but Kerensky answered abruptly, “That won’t be possible.” He looked again at his watch, “It is time to go.”
Unable to restrain himself any longer, Misha threw his arms around Nicholas’s neck and, kissing his cheek, whispered, “Nicky, I’m so sorry.”
Nicholas held him so tightly he might have been clinging to him for life, “I love you, Misha. God bless you. God bless you.”
Kerensky coughed and Misha, choking, tore himself from his brother’s arms and, without looking back, followed Kerensky from the room, pausing only to tousle Alexei’s hair as he passed and wondering whether he would ever see Nicholas or his family again.
Saturday, 24 November 2012
True Friends to Animals

Having seen this week, too, a reminder of the appalling treatment of Anne the circus elephant (who is now happily re-homed and thriving!) and read of other cases of the maltreatment of beautiful creatures, I wanted to do something to help promote the wonderful groups of people and animals who work together. As it's impossible to donate to every animal charity, I decided to donate a novel to be read on line free in the hope that if people like it they might contribute whatever they choose to an animal charity of their choice.
I have set up a new blog for this purpose and, in time, I hope that photographers and artists as well as authors might also agree to donate something of their work to the site. Please visit the site:
True Friends to Animals
“If you have men who will exclude any of God's creatures from the shelter of compassion and pity, you will have men who will deal likewise with their fellow men....Not to hurt our humble brethren is our first duty to them, but to stop there is not enough. We have a higher mission - to be of service to them wherever they require it.”—Francis of Assisi
Monday, 19 November 2012
All Things Beautiful
Over the next few weeks, my American friends and I will be uploading a series of podcasts on a variety of subjects. We began today with an interview about my novel 'Most Beautiful Princess' which is now available at the top right corner of this site, or here:
"Interview about Most Beautiful Princess"
Many thanks to Kate Morris and Syzygy for allowing us to use 'Waltz Eddie' - at a later date we hope to host an interview with these musicians, as well as discussing all kinds of subjects related to anything which is beautiful, from perfumes to photography, from books to gardens and stately homes, from art to animals and much more besides. There is so much written in newspapers about dark and unpleasant subjects and our aim is to present podcasts which focus on loveliness in all its forms, including a variety of interviews.
I hope you'll enjoy listening to our podcasts!
"Interview about Most Beautiful Princess"
Many thanks to Kate Morris and Syzygy for allowing us to use 'Waltz Eddie' - at a later date we hope to host an interview with these musicians, as well as discussing all kinds of subjects related to anything which is beautiful, from perfumes to photography, from books to gardens and stately homes, from art to animals and much more besides. There is so much written in newspapers about dark and unpleasant subjects and our aim is to present podcasts which focus on loveliness in all its forms, including a variety of interviews.
I hope you'll enjoy listening to our podcasts!
Sunday, 11 November 2012
Armistice Day
As the Armistice came into effect on 11th November
1918, Emperor Karl of Austria-Hungary signed a manifesto, relinquishing his
authority over the government of what was left of his Empire:

Count Czernin wrote of him: “When the
Monarchy collapsed, the Servant of God conducted himself, as in all other
situations, in an admirable fashion. He did not abdicate his claim to the
throne, for, to him, the rule by the grace of God had been placed on him as a
duty which he was not permitted to shun. He temporarily renounced the exercise
of his imperial prerogatives and accepted all the adversity he was experiencing
as the Will of God. The Servant of God’s sole desire, in this situation too, was
to avoid any bloodshed. He was fully absorbed with the principle of Christian
charity. That is why he could only act this way and no other.”
It is a strange and sad thing that, after so many
centuries of so many wars, still they go on and on and on...Wouldn’t you think
that at some point, leaders would have learned the lesson that no war is the war
to end wars, and no peace ever came from killing? This poem by John Scott was written in the 18th century
and it might well have been written at any time since.
The Drum
I hate that drum's discordant sound,
Parading round, and round, and round:
To thoughtless youth it pleasure yields,
And lures from cities and from fields,
To sell their liberty for charms
Of tawdry lace and glitt'ring arms;
And when Ambition's voice commands,
To fight and fall in foreign lands.
I hate that drum's discordant sound,
Parading round, and round, and round:
To me it talks of ravaged plains,
And burning towns and ruin'd swains,
And mangled limbs, and dying groans,
And widow's tears, and orphans moans,
And all that Misery's hand bestows,
To fill a catalogue of woes.
Parading round, and round, and round:
To thoughtless youth it pleasure yields,
And lures from cities and from fields,
To sell their liberty for charms
Of tawdry lace and glitt'ring arms;
And when Ambition's voice commands,
To fight and fall in foreign lands.
I hate that drum's discordant sound,
Parading round, and round, and round:
To me it talks of ravaged plains,
And burning towns and ruin'd swains,
And mangled limbs, and dying groans,
And widow's tears, and orphans moans,
And all that Misery's hand bestows,
To fill a catalogue of woes.
Saturday, 10 November 2012
Kaiser Wilhelm's Arrival in Holland
It often seems to be presented that as Armistice Day approached in 1918,
the Kaiser fled Germany and strolled happily into Holland where his first
statement was, ‘and now for a nice English cup of
tea.’ In fact, the Kaiser’s departure from Spa and arrival in Holland was
anything but pleasant. In spite of Queen Wilhelmina’s hospitality (and later her
refusal to extradite him so he could stand trial for war crimes!) he remained
for some time under guard in a castle with a double moat – partly for his own
protection, and partly because he was initially treated almost like a prisoner.
His son, Crown Prince Wilhelm, described the events of the 9th-10th November very movingly in his memoirs:
Memoirs of the Crown Prince

“I come now
to the 10th (November). The night passed
quietly but I doubt if a single eye was closed in sleep during its entire
course. Soon after 4 a.m. we assembled
in the dining car. The Emperor came in
apparently self-possessed and calm, gave us all a friendly shake of the hand, as
usual. During the breakfast we learned
the shameful terms of the armistice. At 5 o'clock a.m. the train started for the
Dutch frontier. It had a guard of four
soldiers in each car, since it had to pass through places occupied by mutinied
troops. Soon ten minutes after we halted
at the little station La Reide.
In the
darkness, the Emperor left the train and stepped, accompanied by a few
gentlemen, into the automobile provided to take him across the Dutch frontier.
The rest of us continued in the train.
We travelled through Pepinster and Liege and ruined Vise. About 7 a.m. the train stopped. Obliquely across the track was a wire
hedge. We had reached the Dutch
frontier. As parting greeting the last
German sentinel had called after us some coarse words. Our car was uncoupled and
we waited for the Dutch engine to take us across the frontier. It came at about 10 o'clock a.m. and drew us
into the neutral Kingdom. When we
reached the first Dutch station we saw the Emperor, who had preceded us in
automobile, walking up and down the platform. In great depression of spirit we
presented ourselves before him.
The Dutch
Government had been made acquainted with the decision of the Emperor by its
Consul in Brussels. The Emperor had also
telegraphed to the Queen asking her permission to enter her kingdom as a private
gentleman. The Emperor had been received at the frontier by the Dutch Military
Commander, Major van Dyl. T he Major looked out for our protection against the
public, as the place was filled with hostile Belgian deserters. In the course of the forenoon the German
Consul at Maastricht had a number of Dutch officers, both civil and military,
presented themselves before the Emperor. We learned that the Queen had placed
the Castle Amerongen, property of Count Bentick, at the service of the
Emperor. Our departure from the frontier
for the Castle was fixed for the next day, the 11th of November.
It was a most
depressing, shameful journey. At every
station thousands of people were gathered, greeting us with shouting, whistling,
cursing. They threatened us, made signs
of choking and hanging us, etc. In such manner was our poor Emperor received on
Dutch soil.”
Tuesday, 6 November 2012
More of Queen Louise's Concerns
Two days after sending the letter described in the previous post, Queen
Louise of the Belgians wrote again to Queen Victoria, with further concerns
about her father’s visit to England:
“My dearly beloved Victoria,
...We are quite sure, I assure you, that you and Albert will take care
of him and that he is with you in safe hands. And what makes my mother uneasy is
the fear that, being at liberty and without control, he will do too much, as she
says, le jeune homme, ride, go about and do everything as if he were twenty
years old. If I must tell you all the truth, she is afraid also he will eat too
much. I am sure he will tell it to you himself, as he was so much amused with
this fear; but to do her pleasure, being well assured by me that you would allow
it, and that is was even customary, he has given up, of himself, all thought of
attending early breakfast....I will also only say that, though he has sent over
his horses in case they should be wanted, my mother begs, if possible, his
riding at all. I wrote to her already that I supposed there would be no occasion
for riding, and that you promenades would either be on foot or in a
I can’t help thinking that the King was probably looking forward to a
break from the excessive concern of his family!
However, five days later, Queen Louise was clearly happy about the care that he had been shown:
My dearly beloved Victoria,
...I thank you very much for attending to all my recommendations about
my father. I only fear they will lead you to think we view him as a great child
and treat him like one. [that thought did cross my mind!!];
but he is so precious and dear to us all that I am sure you will understand
and excuse our being overanxious...Yours most devotedly,
And the King returned safely and happily to France (only to be deposed shortly afterwards).
Monday, 5 November 2012
A Visit from King Louis Philippe

In October 1844 King Louis Philippe of France visited Queen Victoria &
Prince Albert at Windsor. The Queen had written to her dear friend, Louise,
Queen of the Belgians, the daughter of Louis Philippe, to ask if her father had
any special requirements. This reply is rather touching not only because it
reveals a good deal about the King’s character and shows the concern his family
had for him, but also because it shows how little things change. This letter
could have been written today (almost!) to anyone expecting a visit from an
elderly relative!
My dearly beloved Victoria,
....I have not much to say about my father’s lodging habits and likings. My
father is one of the beings most easy to please, satisfy and accommodate. His
eventful life has used him to everything, and makes any kinds of arrangements
acceptable to him. There is only one thing he cannot easily do, it is to be
ready very early. He means notwithstanding, to try to come to your breakfast but
you must insist upon his not doing it. It would disturb him in all his habits
and be bad for him, as he would certainly eat – a thing he is not to do in the
mornings. He generally takes hardly what may be called a breakfast. You must not
tell him that I wrote you this but you must manage it with Montpensier [Louise’s
youngest brother, Antoine], and kindly order for him a bowl of chicken broth. It
is the only thing he takes generally in the morning and between his meals.I have
also no observation to make but I have told Montpensier to speak openly to
Albert whenever he thought something ought to be done for my father, or might
hurt him and inconvenience him, and you may consult him when you are in doubt.
He is entrusted with all the recommendations of my mother, for my father is
naturally so imprudent and so little accustomed to caution and care that he must
be watched to prevent his catching a cold or doing what may be injurious to him.
About his rooms – a hard bed and a large table for his papers are all that he
requires. He generally sleeps on a horsehair mattress with a plank of wood under
it; but any kind of bed will do if it isn’t too soft. His liking will be to be
at your command and do all you like. You know he can take a great deal of
exercise and all will interest and delight him to see, as to do: this is not a
compliment but a mere fact. His only wish is that you should not go out of your
way for him and change your habits on his account....
You have no notion of the satisfaction it gives him and how delighted he
will be to see you again and to be once more in England....
Yours most devotedly,
Sunday, 4 November 2012
A New Video
Thank you, again, to Lucy, who has added her lovely review of 'Most Beautiful Princess' on her wonderful Enchanted by Josephine site!
Continuing the series of videos about the royalties in the First World War, I have just uploaded a new, short one about Archduke Franz Ferdinand, which might interest some people...
Continuing the series of videos about the royalties in the First World War, I have just uploaded a new, short one about Archduke Franz Ferdinand, which might interest some people...
Thursday, 1 November 2012
Happy Birthday to Grand Duchess Elizabeth!
And many, many thanks to Lucy, who has kindly allowed me to write a guest post about 'Ella' on her beautiful site:
Enchanted By Josephine
Enchanted By Josephine
Wednesday, 31 October 2012
Another Strange Story from Princess Marie Louise
For Halloween, here is another true story from the wonderful Princess Marie
Louise, who was undoubtedly naturally gifted with the sensitivity of a psychic.

Princess Marie Louise goes on to describe her experience at Littlecote. She
was being shown around the house by the owner, Lady Wills, when:

“...we eventually came to the Long Gallery which is supposed to be haunted
by the distracted young mother looking for her baby. As we reached the end of
the gallery Lady Wills pointed to a door in the wall and said, “This is where
the gamp [midwife] came up.” I promptly replied, “Oh no, you are mistaken,” and,
pointing to another door, in the wall said, “This is where she was brought up.”
Then I shut my eyes – why I cannot tell – and walked on a few steps, turned
around and said, “Evelyn, take care, here are two steps so be careful not to
fall.” I pushed open a door in front of me (still with my eyes shut), entered a
small room and again said, “Here is the fireplace where Wild Darrell burnt the
child.” I then crossed the room, took hold of the curtain around the bed, and
pointed to the place where the gamp had cut the bit of chintz. Only then did
I open my eyes and rather bewildered asked how I could have known all that I had
seen and done.”
In her wonderful book: My Memories of Six Reigns, Princess Marie Louise
describes several other equally intriguing experiences.
Happy Halloween!
Friday, 26 October 2012
"Bring Him Home"
A rather unusual exchange took place yesterday in the House of Commons when
an MP for Leicester and one for Yorkshire briefly debated where the remains of
Richard III – presumed to have been recently discovered under a car park in
Leicestershire – should be buried. The MP for Leicester pointed out that Richard
has been his county for so long that he should remain there, while the Yorkshire
MP believed that the Yorkist leader should be returned to York or its
surroundings. The debate was unfortunately cut short when a third MP objected
that it was beginning to bear resemblance to the debates between ancient
cathedrals about where the relics of saints should be kept!
As an inhabitant of Yorkshire, I absolutely believe that here is where
Richard belongs. He loved this county and was – and always has been – loved and
respected in York. Far from being seen as the eponymous villain in Shakespeare’s
play, he is remembered for the benefits he brought to the country and particular
to the north of England. His Council of the North was one of the first to pay
real attention to the wishes and requirements of northerners (who, alas, are
still often viewed by some in the south as rather backward and
uncultured!). Richard arranged for government business and law courts to be
conducted in English; he established the Court of Requests to grant a fair
hearing to those who could not afford a lawyer to defend them; and he was also a
loving husband and father. Many believe that the recent premature deaths of his
son and his wife led him to take such a reckless stand in the Battle of
Bosworth, where, of course, he was killed by Henry the Usurper...and thus began
the reign of the very nasty Tudors!
To quote a song from Les Miserables....‘Bring him home’! If these are
proved to be Richard’s remains, he surely belongs in Yorkshire!
Monday, 22 October 2012
The Betrayal
Coming soon:
As the trilogy nears its conclusion, I am struck by the way in which empires fall. Ancient empires took decades to crumble and collapse but in 1917 and 1918, three major European powers were destroyed in a matter of days. There was something decidedly orchestrated about this and the same pattern played out in all three countries, resulting in the removal of the monarchies, the destruction of their economies and a shifting of their resources. Throughout my research it has become so clear that nothing, absolutely nothing, about the First World War was quite as it has been generally presented by the victors or even by the vanquished. I am struck, too, by the similarity with many modern day events which result in overseas wars, and I wonder if someone in the future will look back on this time and ask, "why did they really fight all these 'wars'? Who gained from them and how many people's trust was betrayed?"
The final book of the Shattered Crowns trilogy: The Betrayal.
As the trilogy nears its conclusion, I am struck by the way in which empires fall. Ancient empires took decades to crumble and collapse but in 1917 and 1918, three major European powers were destroyed in a matter of days. There was something decidedly orchestrated about this and the same pattern played out in all three countries, resulting in the removal of the monarchies, the destruction of their economies and a shifting of their resources. Throughout my research it has become so clear that nothing, absolutely nothing, about the First World War was quite as it has been generally presented by the victors or even by the vanquished. I am struck, too, by the similarity with many modern day events which result in overseas wars, and I wonder if someone in the future will look back on this time and ask, "why did they really fight all these 'wars'? Who gained from them and how many people's trust was betrayed?"
Saturday, 20 October 2012
King Leopold Writes to Queen Victoria
On 21st May 1845, King Leopold of the Belgians sent his niece, Queen
Victoria, a portrait of his late wife, Charlotte – the Queen’s cousin who had
died in childbirth twenty-eight years earlier. The King was, by now, happily
remarried but it is touching to read his portrait of his first wife and gives a
rare glimpse into her character. It seems very clear, too, that this is an
attempt on the part of the wily King Leopold, to give Victoria a little sermon
about her own behaviour since she, too, had been somewhat imperious with Albert
during the early years of her marriage and had been greatly under the influence
of her interfering governess Baroness Lehzen! :

I am the more bound to say this as I understood that you had some notion
that she had been very imperious and not mistress of her temper. Before he
marriage, some people by dint of flattery had tried to give her masculine
tastes; in short pushed her to become one day a sort of Queen Elizabeth. These
sentiments were already a little modified before her marriage. But she was
particularly determined to become a good and obedient wife; some of her friends
were determined that she should not; among these Madame de Flahaut must be
premiere ligne.
This became a subject which severed the intimacy between them. Madame de
Flahaut, much older than Charlotte, and of a sour and determined character, had
gained an influence which partook on Charlotte’s part a little of fear. She was
afraid of her but when once supported took courage.
People were much struck on the 2nd May 1816 at Carlton House with
the clearness and firmness with which she pronounced ‘and obey’ etc. as there
had been a general belief that it would be for the husband to give such
promises. The Regent [Charlotte’s father, later King George IV] put me particularly on my guard and
said, “If you don’t resist she will govern you with a high hand.” Your own
experience has convinced you that real affection changes many sentiments that
may have been imparted into the mind of a young girl. With Charlotte it was more
meritorious as from a very early period of her life, she was considered as the
heiress of the Crown; the Whigs flattered her extremely and later...the
Tories...also made great efforts to please her.
Her understanding was extremely good. She knew everybody and I even
afterwards found her judgement to be generally extremely correct. She had read a
great deal and knew well what she had read. Generous she was, almost too much,
and her devotion was quite affecting, from a character so much pushed to be
selfish and imperious.
I will end here on the subject of my poor, dear Charlotte but I thought
that the subject could be interesting to you. Her constancy in wishing to marry
me, which she maintained under difficulties of every description, has been the
foundation of all that touched the family afterwards. You know, I believe, that
your poor father was the chief promoter, though also the Yorks were; but our
correspondence from 1814 to 1816 was entirely carried on through his kind
intervention; it otherwise would have been impossible as she was a sort of
Wednesday, 17 October 2012
A Prisoner-of-War
As my Shattered Crowns trilogy nears its conclusion with the forthcoming
book The Betrayal, I am struck by the fact that, in the midst of all the horror,
deceit, myths and downright evil of the First World War, there are countless
stories of humanity at its finest and most natural. Apart from the well-known
story of the football match between British and German troops in No-Man’s-Land
at Christmas 1914, there are accounts of French soldiers, lured by the smell of
cooking, sneaking into the German trenches to share supper with the ‘enemy’,
and German soldiers throwing notes, wrapped around stones, into the British
trenches to warn them when the next bombardment was about to begin. There is
also the story of the young English soldier who, following an offensive, found
the dead body of young German who looked very like him, and, when he went
through the pockets of the dead man, he found letters and photos of his family
and fiancée, and realised at once how similar their lives were. From then on,
amazingly, that machine-gunner continued to 'play at soldiers' until the end of
the war but never killed another German because he always ensured that his gun
was aimed at an empty space.

Today I discovered something else, too. My grandfather, who at the age of
18 was a soldier in a Lancashire regiment, was wounded (I think!) and taken
prisoner by the Germans. He had great respect for his captors and said that they
had twice saved his life. Firstly when he was captured and secondly when, as a
prisoner-of-war, he was sent work in a salt mine and was involved in a
potentially fatal accident. He was well cared for in a hospital and shown great
kindness, as a result of which he made a complete recovery. Even in the middle
of all that slaughter, his enemies cared enough to save his life...twice.
It constantly and happily surprises me that, just as plants grow through concrete and make their
way through the cracks in paving stones, no matter how wicked events might
appear, true humanity – the true nature of Mankind – will always shine through
in one way or another.
Thursday, 11 October 2012
The Paradise
The beauty of the BBC’s Lark Rise to Candleford was so unique that
the creators must have faced quite a challenge in deciding on a new project,
knowing there was so much to live up to.

Loosely based on a novel by Zola, The Paradise is set in a
department store in the north of England in the late 19th century. As with
Lark Rise, the producers’ attention to detail in the settings and
costumes is superb, and while Lark Rise was an absolute delight for the
wonderful pastoral and village scenes, The Paradise is exquisite
for its portrayal of the luxury of beautiful gowns and other items on sale in
the extravagantly grand setting of the cathedral-like shop. The acting is
convincing and the characters so well-cast, and I am now convinced that the
excellent Sarah Lancashire is the new Maggie Smith (though considerably
The real charm of both series, however, lies in the beauty of the
characters and Bill Gallagher’s wonderful story-telling. When so much air time
is taken up with dark and depressing crime and forensic programmes, it is beyond
lovely to find a series in which there are genuine people with real-life
problems but, without being twee, no one is truly evil and the viewer knows that
nothing really nasty or degrading is about to happen. There are, of course,
difficulties and misunderstandings in relationships as well as financial
problems and other challenges that people meet every day, but – as happened in
Lark Rise – each week’s story ends in kindness and the triumph of good. It
is so refreshing and I am sure it is ‘good for the soul’ to find a series that
is beautiful on every level – one that is both delightful to the senses and
truly uplifting!
Thank you Mr Gallagher and thank you BBC for such beauty!
Tuesday, 2 October 2012
The Best Job in History

A few days ago, however, I discovered what might be viewed as one of the
best royal jobs in history: The Royal Herb Strewer.
Twelve pounds a year must have been a considerable sum in the 17th century,
and with a few yards of fine cloth included in the salary, it must have been a
lucrative position. In the early days, there would undoubtedly have been a lot
to do, trying to mask the stench of the insanitary royal palaces, but by the
time of George IV, things must have been improving. All in all, it must have
been a very pleasant job and one that wasn’t likely to provoke a great deal of
Having recently begun to study and cultivate herbs, I am absolutely in awe
of them. Their scents and texture are so beautiful and their healing and
cleansing properties are positively amazing! At the moment I am in the very
early stages of learning about them but the great herbalists of the past and
present have worked some incredible ‘miracles’ using various concoctions of
them. It is quite remarkable that they grow so freely and people pass them by on
their way to doctors’ surgeries, unaware that Nature has provided a remedy for
virtually every ailment and a natural way of dealing with many domestic
situations such as preventing moths from coming indoors, repelling insects or
cleansing pans and crockery. As a minor example, I was recently bitten a mass of
midges and having read that basil is good for insect bites, I rubbed the leaves
on my arms and the bites stopped itching instantly. The next time I walked among
the midges, I rubbed lemon balm on my skin and came home with no bites at all.
The natural wisdom that comes from being close to nature seemed to have
been temporarily lost with the industrial revolution. Happily nowadays many more
people are rediscovering that ancient wisdom and I pray that the big
pharmaceutical companies which are already seeking to suppress the use of
alternative healing methods and several herbs, will realise that just as plants
sprout through concrete and cracks in the pavement, you cannot suppress Nature.
Monday, 3 September 2012
"...Not Even Solomon In All His Splendour"
On a smaller scale, I have often wondered about the strange behaviour of
the atheist society who, one Christmas, paid for a poster on a bus, which said,
“There is no God.” Still more baffling are some pseudo-scientific authors who
write volumes attempting to prove the non-existence of God. Surely, if
you don’t believe something exists, you don’t waste your time trying to tell
everyone else that it doesn’t exist. Personally, I don’t believe that the moon
is made of green cheese but I wouldn’t spend months of my life trying to prove
that. If someone else believes it is made of green cheese, it wouldn’t bother
me. Why then do people who profess not to believe in something go to
such lengths to argue about it.
So, to return to the prayers for the Tsar and his family...Why ban
prayers if you don’t believe they are effective? And if you do believe
they’re effective, it seems a pretty dangerous thing to attempt to tamper with other
Thursday, 23 August 2012
Princess Alice Battenberg
A documentary – The Queen’s Mother-in-Law – shown on Channel 4 last night,
told some of the story of the life of Princess Alice Battenberg,
great-granddaughter of Queen Victoria and mother of Prince Philip. It was a
respectful and balanced presentation, which included interviews with people who
knew the princess, but at the end of it I had a strong sense that something very
important was missing and also that there is something not right in the way in
which certain details of the princess’ mental state are discussed and dissected.
It was also a little odd that Alice was described as one of the royal family’s
best kept secrets when it’s clear that there was never any attempt by the
present Queen or Prince Philip to hide her away. She was very visible at the
coronation and at their wedding so she was hardly ‘a secret’!

What was missing from the programme was any attempt to understand her
spirituality and, more obviously, her connection to her godmother, Ella, Grand
Duchess Elizabeth. Basically, Alice’s spirituality was more or less dismissed as
her mental illness and, while it’s impossible to deny that some aspects of it
manifested in ways which were not helpful to her or to anyone, her entire
spiritual journey was put down to delusion. Her sudden conversion to Orthodoxy
(as Ella converted); her desire to found a religious order (significantly named
Sisters of Martha and Mary, after Ella’s convent in Moscow); and her appearance
in a nun’s habit at the Coronation (in a pearl grey habit – the same colour as
that of Ella’s order) were all mentioned but no reference to why Alice might be
following such ideas. At the end of the programme one commentator said, “Alice
has one final trick up her sleeve...” (or something to that effect). She
requested that she should be buried on the Mount of Olives. This was stated as
though it was merely a whim – no mention was made of the fact that she wished to
be buried near her Aunt Ella, whose life she obviously tried to emulate.
Interestingly, too, there was an interview with a German lady who had been
a child when Alice stayed at her parents’ boarding house. The princess, the
German lady said, spent a long time just gazing at the sky and when asked what
she saw there, she replied, “St. Barbara....” I couldn’t help wondering if she
actually said ‘saint’ or was referring to Ella’s companion, Barbara,
who died with her in the mineshaft in Siberia.
Yes, Princess Alice suffered for a while from a mental illness, but I think
it is quite wrong to put down her entire spirituality to that episode in her
life. Fortunately, the documentary also included information about her devotion
in caring for the wounded soldiers, for orphans and for many people in need; and
also her courage in hiding a Jewish family in her home in Greece during the Nazi
I think she was a deeply sensitive woman woman who overcame many obstacles
and whose heart was most definitely beautiful.
Tuesday, 14 August 2012
Truly Inspirational
If you can possibly spare an hour, I can almost guarantee that this incredible message will be life-changingly beneficial! A massively inspirational man who speaks so brilliantly and leaves you with no excuses not to live your dream and be the best you can be. It's funny, moving...just wonderful really...
Friday, 10 August 2012
Spirituality and History
It often struck me when I was at school that history, which I loved, was filled with whats and wheres and hows but so few answers to the question, ‘why’. I don’t mean the glib answer of, 'this nation invaded that nation because they wanted this piece of land', or even 'this king persecuted this religion because he wanted a divorce,' but rather why the people involved acted as they did. For a long time it seemed that to understand anything at all about history it was vital to understand motivation and psychology but now I think it is even more vital to realise that history comprises two stories: the actual physical events and actions and the spirituality behind those actions. By 'spirituality' I don’t mean a particular religion. This has nothing to do with separate denominations, beliefs, wars of religion or anything of the sort. It is, to my mind, a hugely overlooked aspect – perhaps even the most vital aspect – of history and what it means to be alive in any age. By spirituality, I mean the very essence of a person; the essence and purpose and driving force that sustains life and the awareness that there is something so much more powerful and beautiful that sometimes shines through but is often concealed within the physicality of life. It is so vital and so powerful that it is amazing that the spiritual aspect of people of the past is so often misunderstood, dismissed or even ridiculed.
In the early 20th century Russia was (and, I believe still is) a deeply
mystical country. Holy Fools, holy healers, Shamans and Staretz were a natural
part of life and sat comfortably with the Orthodox Church in the same way as the
wise women of England sat comfortably in their villages alongside the more
orthodox religions (apart from the brief spell when James I became obsessed with
witches!). These different aspects of spirituality were perfectly compatible.
They were not ‘mad’ or ‘deranged’, nor were they superstitious in the general
sense of the way in which that word is used; they were an essential aspect of
life and one which has so often been demeaned to our detriment.
It would be amusing, if it were not so bizarre, that I have read on several
sites that Grand Duchess Elizabeth of Russia ‘turned to religion’ to find
comfort after her husband’s murder, or worse that she was completely unhinged by
his death and that is why she devoted the rest of her life to her faith.
Anyone with even the slightest understanding can read her letters and see that
this was no sudden whim nor the act of an unhinged person. Could an unhinged
person have created such a haven for the poor, established such a wonderful
foundation to bring relief to the sick and orphans or worked out such amazing
plans to provide work for young people as messengers etc, etc,?

Within a couple of decades came the Second World War and it is well known
that the Nazi leadership practised dark rituals which, again, distorted the
beautiful natural spirituality of the Rhineland and the German people. There is
so much more to all of this than first meets the eye and it is clear
that a hugely important aspect of the past has been omitted from history books
and will continue to be omitted as long as the importance of spirituality is
overlooked by historians and the spirituality of people of the past is dismissed
as superstition or treated as insignificant.
You simply cannot look at the world or at history without looking at the
real force behind and within everything. Happily, I believe that ultimately evil
is powerless and empty – it is simply the absence of good – and one day we will
be able to view all the events in a very different and far more real light.
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