This morning, I received an invitation to sign a petition, which I urge you to
It seems that time and time again, without the knowledge of the vast
majority of the population, laws are passed to profit certain companies at the
expense of the health and freedom of the rest of the world. More and more people
are waking up to these shameful practices but so many of us feel powerless when
governments and government agencies are involved.
It seems to me that so much of what is wrong and has ever been wrong in the
world, is the result of shady deals carried out in secrecy. This was true – as I
found startling evident while researching my Shattered Crowns trilogy – of the
way in which the nations of the world were dragged into the horrors of WW1; it
has been true of numerous other disasters for humanity. Once these
behind-the-scenes deals are brought into the light and we are no longer
brainwashed by the doctored news force-fed by many newspapers and television
stations, the secrecy is dispelled and so, too, is the darkness in which these
people carry out their evil plans.
This sounds very extreme and, some years ago, I would have been reluctant
to believe it and would have dismissed it as nonsense, but we need only look
around the world and ask ourselves a few questions such as, “Why is cancer
suddenly far more prevalent than it ever was in the past? What is in our food,
which was never there before? Why are there suddenly dozens and dozens of
adverts in every TV break stressing cancer and other ailments – do they want us
to have these things imprinted in our psyche???”
Why do we go on believing the scare stories that politicians tell
us...such as there is a world food shortage and so we must succumb to allowing
companies to profit from doctoring what is natural and from withdrawing from
sale certain herbs, which have been used beneficially for centuries, so people
do not have access to the means of tending their own health?
I heard an interesting statement once which made me question why I had
never thought of it before! How many people take daily medication – which
profits drug companies enormously? Is it impossible to heal certain physical
problems, and necessary only to control them? Or, is it more profitable to
provide drugs, the side-effects of which mean it is necessary to take other
drugs, and make a fortune out of keeping a nation chronically sick?

Please consider signing the petition, if not for your own sake, for
the sake of your children and future generations!
Some other interesting articles:
Wake up World!
Undermining democracy and public health
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