Fake News is anything but a modern phenomenon. It is an art perfected by
newspaper editors and the bankers, industrialists and shady figures who stood
behind them in the days leading up to the First World War. As far back as 1815,
the Rothschilds made a fortune by implying to the Stock Exchange that Napoleon
had won the war. The stocks were sold at a low price, the Rothschilds purchased
them and were later able to sell them back at a massive profit. In 1895, the
Kaiser warned the Tsar that journalists were making mischief to stir up
international tensions; and the British Prime Minister, Asquith, later warned
the Kaiser that shady groups controlling the press were doing immense damage in
both countries. In 1909, Lord Northcliffe printed a series of articles
suggesting that the Germans were about to invade Britain; and soon afterwards
an American journalist stated:
is no such thing as an independent press in America. It is the duty of a New
York journalist to lie, to distort, to revile, to toady at the feet of Mammon,
and to sell his country for what amounts to his daily bread – his salary. We are
the tools and vassals of the men behind the scenes. We are marionettes. These
men pull the strings and we dance.”

‘...accused the banker, J.P. Morgan, and a syndicate of steel and railway magnates, of gathering a group of twelve influential pressmen who would gradually take over one-hundred-and-seventy-nine American newspapers to ensure that the public would only read articles supporting policies which would best suit the financial interests of the syndicate.’
It often seems we all need to look way beyond the
headlines and newspaper reports. When the press and other media attack a person
in a position of power, such as a president, so mercilessly, it immediately begs
the questions: What are they afraid of? And what are they really tying to
achieve? And, more importantly, who truly is behind it?
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