Fidel Castro ordered mass executions, set up work (concentration) camps for
gay men and other ‘deviants’; enslaved his own people and murdered them for
trying to leave the country; established torture chambers and under his
dictatorship Cuba had the highest suicide rate in any Western country. Jeremy
Corbyn praised him as ‘a champion of social justice’.
Mao Tse-Tung set up concentration camps and killed no fewer than
45,000,000–78,000,000 people in 4 years. Diane Abbott said ‘he did more good
than harm’.
Lenin & Trotsky ordered the secret police to use torture including
lowering people into tanks of boiling water, forcing them into furnaces; and
authorised them to carry out summary ‘justice’ by crucifixion and stoning. John
McDonnell referred to them as his ‘most significant influences’.
The I.R.A. murdered approximately 1,800 civilians. John McDonnell said that
‘gutless wimps’ who opposed Sinn Fein should ‘have their knees blown off’; and
later said the IRA terrorists should be ‘honoured for their bravery.’
Will these people ever learn???
Apparently not.
The road to Hell is paved with good intentions.
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