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Wednesday, 11 November 2015

If Any Question Why We Died....

I heard a group of very small schoolchildren being interviewed on TV about the beautiful display of poppies that they had created. Speaking specifically about the First World War, one after another the little innocent ones said it was important to remember because, "They died for our freedom..." or, "If they hadn't died we wouldn't be here today..." and similar answers.

It is terribly sad that, a hundred years on, these falsehoods are still being taught. We would be free - perhaps freer than we are now - if Britain had never entered the 1914 war, and, what is more, it would probably never have become a world war! In spite of the usually repeated tale about the need to defend 'plucky little Belgium', the real reason we entered the war was to stop Germany from outstripping us in commerce, industry and just about everything else!

On top of that, the war was designed to overthrow the independent autocracies - the Tsar, the Austrian Emperor and the Kaiser - to put into place the beginnings of the world government that we are moving towards today.

I have every respect for all those innocent young men who marched off to war believing that they were saving their country, their wives and the families from the terror of the marauding Huns. They were brave men - at least many of them were - but they were greatly deceived. Germany had no designs on Britain; the Kaiser was doing his utmost to prevent war....and yet children even today say that the soldiers of that war died for our freedom.

Think of Rudyard Kipling:
"If any question why we died,
Tell them because our fathers lied."

And the lies obviously are still being told...


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